To cite pencal in publications use: Signorelli, M. (2024). pencal: an R Package for the Dynamic Prediction of Survival with Many Longitudinal Predictors To appear in: The R Journal. Preprint: arXiv:2309.15600 URL A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {pencal: an R Package for the Dynamic Prediction of Survival with Many Longitudinal Predictors}, author = {{M. Signorelli}}, journal = {To appear in: The R Journal}, year = {2024}, number = {arXiv:2309.15600}, url = {}, } Signorelli, M., Spitali, P., Al-Khalili Szigyarto, C., The MARK-MD Consortium, Tsonaka, R. (2021). Penalized regression calibration: A method for the prediction of survival outcomes using complex longitudinal and high-dimensional data Statistics in Medicine, 40 (27), 6178-6196 URL A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {Penalized regression calibration: A method for the prediction of survival outcomes using complex longitudinal and high-dimensional data}, author = {{M. Signorelli} and {P. Spitali} and {C. Al-Khalili Szigyarto} and {The MARK-MD Consortium} and {R. Tsonaka}}, journal = {Statistics in Medicine}, year = {2021}, volume = {40}, number = {27}, pages = {6178--6196}, url = {}, }